All of the tech, none of the twaddle

One of the sayings we always have here at Comms Circle is that we’re about ‘all of the tech and none of the twaddle’. That mantra even takes pride of place on our website homepage – which you can land on HERE should you have never before experienced that joy.

But, we know it’s all too easy for companies of any kind to start throwing buzzword values around without actually practising what they preach, so when businesses take out a managed mobile service contract with our team of great guys (and girls) at Comms Circle, we live up to our word by making sure that not only do we look after anything and everything to do with the tech (your actual devices themselves), but that we work and communicate with our clients in a way that gives them clear and relatable info and advice, and answers their questions with clear and relatable responses. It’s that commitment to customer service why people love us, and the money we save their businesses along the way just ends up being a great bonus, to be honest!

Having said all of this, it’s not lost on us that we may have already lost you with our use of the phrase ‘managed mobile services’, and you’re wondering what the hell that phrase even means. And who could blame you? It’s got the word ‘managed’ in it, which people instantly balk at, and the word ‘services’ can usually come across as a bit vague when put in pretty much any context, can’t it? What makes us even more understanding of people’s confusion around the phrase is the fact that the term ‘managed mobile services’ just simply isn’t mentioned when you sign up to a contract with your mobile network.  It should be mentioned, so that you’ve got some kind of control over what you’ve just signed up to, but that kind of thing isn’t in the interest of the network, because essentially, you (as the customer) would have wayyyy too much control over what you spend with them in that instance. And why would they ever want to give you that much autonomy over your own wallet?

The concept of managed mobile services is something that we provide at Comms Circle not on behalf of a network, but on behalf of you as the consumer. We’ve blogged before about how the ‘house’ always wins when it comes to the real cost of taking out a contract with a provider (and they’re all the same in their tactics – it’s just business), and this common practice pretty much highlights why there’s a consumer need for our business in the first place.

In working with us, we not only get to know you as a person, but we get to know how your company ticks, too. We use all of that understanding to take care of all of your business telecoms for you on a personal level as well as a tech level. This means that as well as making sure you’re maximising your use of the contract and offerings you have in place with your network, we’ll monitor and make sure you’re not buying into stuff that you just don’t need. And, when Terry has trouble with his tablet, and Nicola’s narked off with a network issue, we’ll sort it all for you, and keep you in the loop throughout all of it.

And what might ‘tech’ entail for you in your contract with us? In a nutshell…


Mobile device management. Making sure that everyone can physically use (and make most effective use of) their mobile device – because it’s not a given that they can automatically do this.

Sourcing. Making sure that you’re getting not only the best devices on the market, but the best devices for what you actually need. We can even look at financing and leasing these for you, if you so wish!

Staging. This is a fancy way of saying we’ll fully prep and test out each device before sending it to your team. This covers everything from slotting in the SIM and checking everything charges, to downloading your apps and enrolling everything in security programmes. If it raises the question “How do I…?”, it’s covered. 

Repairs. We take care of everything from warranty to wear and tear, and replacements to reminding Kevin in Human Resources why mobile phones and mugs of builder’s tea don’t often make a great combo.

Recycling. Yep, we care about the environment and stuff. We dispose safely and we re-purpose, well, purposefully.


We also cover everything to do with mobile security… but that’s a blog for another time. You’ll need a password to access it, and everything!

All of the tech, none of the twaddle.

Put down the phone to your IT department… let them get on with their day job, and instead, give us a call. We’ll help you save time, save hassle, and save money.

One of the sayings we always have here at Comms Circle is that we’re about ‘all of the tech and none of the twaddle’. That mantra even takes pride of place on our website homepage – which you can land on HERE should you have never before experienced that joy.

But, we know it’s all too easy for companies of any kind to start throwing buzzword values around without actually practising what they preach, so when businesses take out a managed mobile service contract with our team of great guys (and girls) at Comms Circle, we live up to our word by making sure that not only do we look after anything and everything to do with the tech (your actual devices themselves), but that we work and communicate with our clients in a way that gives them clear and relatable info and advice, and answers their questions with clear and relatable responses. It’s that commitment to customer service why people love us, and the money we save their businesses along the way just ends up being a great bonus, to be honest!

Having said all of this, it’s not lost on us that we may have already lost you with our use of the phrase ‘managed mobile services’, and you’re wondering what the hell that phrase even means. And who could blame you? It’s got the word ‘managed’ in it, which people instantly balk at, and the word ‘services’ can usually come across as a bit vague when put in pretty much any context, can’t it? What makes us even more understanding of people’s confusion around the phrase is the fact that the term ‘managed mobile services’ just simply isn’t mentioned when you sign up to a contract with your mobile network.  It should be mentioned, so that you’ve got some kind of control over what you’ve just signed up to, but that kind of thing isn’t in the interest of the network, because essentially, you (as the customer) would have wayyyy too much control over what you spend with them in that instance. And why would they ever want to give you that much autonomy over your own wallet?

The concept of managed mobile services is something that we provide at Comms Circle not on behalf of a network, but on behalf of you as the consumer. We’ve blogged before about how the ‘house’ always wins when it comes to the real cost of taking out a contract with a provider (and they’re all the same in their tactics – it’s just business), and this common practice pretty much highlights why there’s a consumer need for our business in the first place.

In working with us, we not only get to know you as a person, but we get to know how your company ticks, too. We use all of that understanding to take care of all of your business telecoms for you on a personal level as well as a tech level. This means that as well as making sure you’re maximising your use of the contract and offerings you have in place with your network, we’ll monitor and make sure you’re not buying into stuff that you just don’t need. And, when Terry has trouble with his tablet, and Nicola’s narked off with a network issue, we’ll sort it all for you, and keep you in the loop throughout all of it.

And what might ‘tech’ entail for you in your contract with us? In a nutshell…


Mobile device management. Making sure that everyone can physically use (and make most effective use of) their mobile device – because it’s not a given that they can automatically do this.

Sourcing. Making sure that you’re getting not only the best devices on the market, but the best devices for what you actually need. We can even look at financing and leasing these for you, if you so wish!

Staging. This is a fancy way of saying we’ll fully prep and test out each device before sending it to your team. This covers everything from slotting in the SIM and checking everything charges, to downloading your apps and enrolling everything in security programmes. If it raises the question “How do I…?”, it’s covered. 

Repairs. We take care of everything from warranty to wear and tear, and replacements to reminding Kevin in Human Resources why mobile phones and mugs of builder’s tea don’t often make a great combo.

Recycling. Yep, we care about the environment and stuff. We dispose safely and we re-purpose, well, purposefully.


We also cover everything to do with mobile security… but that’s a blog for another time. You’ll need a password to access it, and everything!

All of the tech, none of the twaddle.

Put down the phone to your IT department… let them get on with their day job, and instead, give us a call. We’ll help you save time, save hassle, and save money.

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