The House Always Wins

Did you know that when you visit a Las Vegas casino, the bar staff keep circulating around the tables and machines all night, giving gamblers free drinks whilst they play?

Seems really generous, right?

It is, to some extent, but there’s nothing altruistic about the practice.

Casino bosses know – like any other business bosses do – that customers and clients love a freebie. Or, at the very least, they love the idea of getting more than they’re paying for.

You see, even if you don’t particularly want or need those drinks, those casino bosses know that you’ll stick around on their premises to drink them, because nobody leaves a freebie on the table, do they? But the thing is, whilst you sup on that beer or Bacardi, you’re going to continue rolling those dice, dealing those cards, and playing those slots as you gamble the night away whilst enjoying your freebie refreshments. What the casino business loses on the bar in their ‘side hustle’, they more than make up for in the extra revenue generated through the big money their drinkers are ploughing straight back into the tables and machines furnishing the casino. The House ultimately wins.

And this practice is in fact doubly beneficial for the casino industry, because gambling in itself is designed and weighted to give you enough confidence and stimulation to make you think that you’re onto a winner, when in fact, there will ALWAYS be more money going in than coming out of that casino. The House always wins – and even more so if the visitors are drunk!

What’s this got to do with business telecoms?

We’re glad you asked.

When keeping your company connected, choosing provision for your mobile services shouldn’t be a gamble, and you should always feel like you’re ‘winning’ when signing up to a new offer or contract. At Comms Circle, we’re not just here as a provider of managed telecoms. We’re here as a provider of sound advice, having built a reputation as ‘the great guys’ for customer care – as well as a reputation for delivering business telecoms products and packages that our customers absolutely love. In wanting to give you and your business some top advice and info right here in this blog, we wanted to make the casino comparison, because no matter how attractive a company mobile package seems, or how bustling with bonuses it all feels, the House (the provider, in this instance) always wins.

What we mean by this is that whilst packages are of course designed to be attractive to businesses (or more importantly, to you as the person making those business decisions), the biggest winner will always be the provider, purely because whatever they’ve given you for free or as a bonus will always be a small cost to them that’s easily covered in the premium they’ve attracted you to pay.

In fact, in a lot of cases, the business will never even have to pay out on (or cover) that cost at all, because the thing they give you is not actually something you’ll ever use. Think ‘unlimited data’ as an example.

To some degree, this may sound obvious that the house (or provider) always wins, because all businesses thrive on profit, and nobody does anything for anyone (provide a product, sell a service, offer an… offer) without getting some kind of short or long-term financial reward from it in return. But often, when we see business telecoms packages on offer, they are so bright and shiny that we almost believe we are getting the most amazing deal that borders on us stealing from the company pitching to us.

We’re really not.

The thing with ‘obvious’ stuff is that it’s often the first thing we overlook when making logical decisions, so we’re just dropping this blog to remind you lovely people out there that whilst it may always seem like you’re onto a great deal for your office mobile services and business telecoms, chances are that if it seems the deal is so good that the company are practically giving it away… that’s exactly what they may be doing because they know they’ll never have to pay for it.

Having something such as a data promise is an example of exactly that. Honestly, is anyone ever really like to need – nevermind use – all the unlimited available internet in the world???

A key feature of our managed mobile services here at Comms Circle involves us making regular checks (and compiling monthly reports for our clients) surrounding all of their data usage and abusage, so as well as making sure we can always switch you to a product that gives you everything you do need, we’ll make sure you’re not spending any kind of money on things that you categorically don’t.

By choosing Comms Circle as your managed mobile services provider, there’s no more time wasted trawling through bills to find out why you’ve been charged extra, or trying to figure out if you’re on the best plan for what you actually need… we take care of it all for you.

And, if we think you’re being easily distracted away from your budgets and the day job by tin-foil masquerading as shiny jewels, we’ll tell you.

We’re good guys, like that.




Did you know that when you visit a Las Vegas casino, the bar staff keep circulating around the tables and machines all night, giving gamblers free drinks whilst they play?

Seems really generous, right?

It is, to some extent, but there’s nothing altruistic about the practice.

Casino bosses know – like any other business bosses do – that customers and clients love a freebie. Or, at the very least, they love the idea of getting more than they’re paying for.

You see, even if you don’t particularly want or need those drinks, those casino bosses know that you’ll stick around on their premises to drink them, because nobody leaves a freebie on the table, do they? But the thing is, whilst you sup on that beer or Bacardi, you’re going to continue rolling those dice, dealing those cards, and playing those slots as you gamble the night away whilst enjoying your freebie refreshments. What the casino business loses on the bar in their ‘side hustle’, they more than make up for in the extra revenue generated through the big money their drinkers are ploughing straight back into the tables and machines furnishing the casino. The House ultimately wins.

And this practice is in fact doubly beneficial for the casino industry, because gambling in itself is designed and weighted to give you enough confidence and stimulation to make you think that you’re onto a winner, when in fact, there will ALWAYS be more money going in than coming out of that casino. The House always wins – and even more so if the visitors are drunk!

What’s this got to do with business telecoms?

We’re glad you asked.

When keeping your company connected, choosing provision for your mobile services shouldn’t be a gamble, and you should always feel like you’re ‘winning’ when signing up to a new offer or contract. At Comms Circle, we’re not just here as a provider of managed telecoms. We’re here as a provider of sound advice, having built a reputation as ‘the great guys’ for customer care – as well as a reputation for delivering business telecoms products and packages that our customers absolutely love. In wanting to give you and your business some top advice and info right here in this blog, we wanted to make the casino comparison, because no matter how attractive a company mobile package seems, or how bustling with bonuses it all feels, the House (the provider, in this instance) always wins.

What we mean by this is that whilst packages are of course designed to be attractive to businesses (or more importantly, to you as the person making those business decisions), the biggest winner will always be the provider, purely because whatever they’ve given you for free or as a bonus will always be a small cost to them that’s easily covered in the premium they’ve attracted you to pay.

In fact, in a lot of cases, the business will never even have to pay out on (or cover) that cost at all, because the thing they give you is not actually something you’ll ever use. Think ‘unlimited data’ as an example.

To some degree, this may sound obvious that the house (or provider) always wins, because all businesses thrive on profit, and nobody does anything for anyone (provide a product, sell a service, offer an… offer) without getting some kind of short or long-term financial reward from it in return. But often, when we see business telecoms packages on offer, they are so bright and shiny that we almost believe we are getting the most amazing deal that borders on us stealing from the company pitching to us.

We’re really not.

The thing with ‘obvious’ stuff is that it’s often the first thing we overlook when making logical decisions, so we’re just dropping this blog to remind you lovely people out there that whilst it may always seem like you’re onto a great deal for your office mobile services and business telecoms, chances are that if it seems the deal is so good that the company are practically giving it away… that’s exactly what they may be doing because they know they’ll never have to pay for it.

Having something such as a data promise is an example of exactly that. Honestly, is anyone ever really like to need – nevermind use – all the unlimited available internet in the world???

A key feature of our managed mobile services here at Comms Circle involves us making regular checks (and compiling monthly reports for our clients) surrounding all of their data usage and abusage, so as well as making sure we can always switch you to a product that gives you everything you do need, we’ll make sure you’re not spending any kind of money on things that you categorically don’t.

By choosing Comms Circle as your managed mobile services provider, there’s no more time wasted trawling through bills to find out why you’ve been charged extra, or trying to figure out if you’re on the best plan for what you actually need… we take care of it all for you.

And, if we think you’re being easily distracted away from your budgets and the day job by tin-foil masquerading as shiny jewels, we’ll tell you.

We’re good guys, like that.




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