Is there such a thing as too much data?

That’s right, the title doesn’t lie. We know what you’re wondering.

“Is there such a thing as too much data?”

Okay, so it’s possible that you weren’t wondering this particular thing, but just in case the question has ever entered your head, let us share with you some thoughts from inside Comms Circle to tell you about our issue with things like ‘unlimited data’, which mobile networks often use as a prominent promise to entice companies just like yours to tie into mobile services with them.

If you read our previous blog – The House Always Wins – then you’ll already know our gripes about deals and steals when it comes to ‘offers’ made to business telecoms customers, so go have a quick read if you have time, but for this blog, we’re going to dig a little deeper and paint a (not so pretty) picture for you.

Once a network has lured you in and signed you up to a deal that undoubtedly works even better for them than it does for you, they typically then go on to make quite significant additional (hidden) profits when you as the customer fail to proactively manage the mobile service you have in front of you. This ISN’T us having a dig at you, by the way, because managing mobile services is hard work and a big deal – it’s why our entire business exists in the first place! With you busy in your day job of over overseeing and developing your entire business, it’s really not surprising that things like a breach of usage allowances, uncontrolled roaming, and letting services you’ve paid money for to lie dormant go unnoticed. Well, until you get the bill, of course. When you’re left to manage things yourself, the best you can ever really be is reactive. Comms Circle is proactive all the way, meaning you’ll never fall foul of these hidden costs that generate countless cash in profits for your provider month upon month.

It’s very likely that until you read this blog, or stumbled upon the Comms Circle website, you’d never even heard of the concept of managed mobile services. That’s no surprise, though, because a handle on the service you’re paying for is the very last thing a network wants you to have. Having a managed mobile service is simply not in their interests, when they’d much rather you blindly went over your limits and under the bus when it comes to add-ons for things that will almost always catch you out (international calls, as a prominent example).

When you sign up to the product or package that attracts you the most, none of it is a managed service, and it’s all in your hands to control it. The network will simply do three things:

Connect you, respond to any network-based issues, and bill you.

And note that with that third one, it’s very likely the bill will be higher than the rate you agreed with the network on your sign-up. Why? Because when you’re busy running your business, these things can get away from you, and you only realise it when the bill comes through and you feel a bit cheated, to be honest. None of this is down to chance, however. Mobile networks employ huge teams of data analysts to predict exactly what their consumers are going to use and abuse, and so they can see these hidden profits paying off long before you even make your first call.

At Comms Circle, we think that if the network has a crack team of specialists, YOU should have a crack team of specialists, too – and that’s why we’re a great choice to take on all of this hassle and hard work for you, ensuring that your mobile services are not only fully managed, but always working proactively in your favour.

In short, we’ll be the ones to tell you when you’re about to hit your limits and be smacked by additional costs before it all happens – to avoid it all happening in the first place. We’ll also be there to be straight with you and tell you that, although you bought into the whole ‘unlimited data’ thing, there IS such thing as too much internet. There’s absolutely never a point in paying for something ‘limitless’ when you’re only ever using a fraction of it in the first place. The devil is always in the detail of these contracts, so let us work with you to make sure you’re not signing your life away on things you don’t need and will likely never play with anyway.

We know, we sound like someone’s dad.

Whilst network contracts are cleverly worded and carefully marketed to make it look on paper that you’ll be making great savings/receiving fantastic bonus goodies on your mobile contracts, the only way to actually deliver on those promises is to ensure that you have a flexible and well-constructed mobile contract in place – one that will allow you to adapt to future changes in usage profiles, connection volumes, and technology. That’s what we can help with from the get-go by getting on board as your managed mobile services provider.

Oh, and just to give you some context, here – in most businesses, a small group of key players and high-volume mobile users (normally accounting for around 1-2% of the whole company) often account for 20% or more of the overall mobile costs incurred. These ‘power users’ display usage profiles and requirements that typically don’t align with the commercial terms and services that you negotiated in respect of the bulk of your users when your contract was agreed with your network. This means that there WILL be times when you find out the hard way that “unlimited” carries a caveat. We can help you avoid this – just saying.

Our mission at Comms Circle has always been really simple. We work with our customers to be proactive in choosing and managing the best mobile service contracts for their company. And what’s even better than saving them all that money, is that we take away any need for them to pile any hassle (and mobile services are ALWAYS a hassle in some way) onto their already hardworking IT departments.

(But, if you’re really keen to annoy your IT department with a little something else instead, we may have a few ideas for you…)

That’s right, the title doesn’t lie. We know what you’re wondering.

“Is there such a thing as too much data?”

Okay, so it’s possible that you weren’t wondering this particular thing, but just in case the question has ever entered your head, let us share with you some thoughts from inside Comms Circle to tell you about our issue with things like ‘unlimited data’, which mobile networks often use as a prominent promise to entice companies just like yours to tie into mobile services with them.

If you read our previous blog – The House Always Wins – then you’ll already know our gripes about deals and steals when it comes to ‘offers’ made to business telecoms customers, so go have a quick read if you have time, but for this blog, we’re going to dig a little deeper and paint a (not so pretty) picture for you.

Once a network has lured you in and signed you up to a deal that undoubtedly works even better for them than it does for you, they typically then go on to make quite significant additional (hidden) profits when you as the customer fail to proactively manage the mobile service you have in front of you. This ISN’T us having a dig at you, by the way, because managing mobile services is hard work and a big deal – it’s why our entire business exists in the first place! With you busy in your day job of over overseeing and developing your entire business, it’s really not surprising that things like a breach of usage allowances, uncontrolled roaming, and letting services you’ve paid money for to lie dormant go unnoticed. Well, until you get the bill, of course. When you’re left to manage things yourself, the best you can ever really be is reactive. Comms Circle is proactive all the way, meaning you’ll never fall foul of these hidden costs that generate countless cash in profits for your provider month upon month.

It’s very likely that until you read this blog, or stumbled upon the Comms Circle website, you’d never even heard of the concept of managed mobile services. That’s no surprise, though, because a handle on the service you’re paying for is the very last thing a network wants you to have. Having a managed mobile service is simply not in their interests, when they’d much rather you blindly went over your limits and under the bus when it comes to add-ons for things that will almost always catch you out (international calls, as a prominent example).

When you sign up to the product or package that attracts you the most, none of it is a managed service, and it’s all in your hands to control it. The network will simply do three things:

Connect you, respond to any network-based issues, and bill you.

And note that with that third one, it’s very likely the bill will be higher than the rate you agreed with the network on your sign-up. Why? Because when you’re busy running your business, these things can get away from you, and you only realise it when the bill comes through and you feel a bit cheated, to be honest. None of this is down to chance, however. Mobile networks employ huge teams of data analysts to predict exactly what their consumers are going to use and abuse, and so they can see these hidden profits paying off long before you even make your first call.

At Comms Circle, we think that if the network has a crack team of specialists, YOU should have a crack team of specialists, too – and that’s why we’re a great choice to take on all of this hassle and hard work for you, ensuring that your mobile services are not only fully managed, but always working proactively in your favour.

In short, we’ll be the ones to tell you when you’re about to hit your limits and be smacked by additional costs before it all happens – to avoid it all happening in the first place. We’ll also be there to be straight with you and tell you that, although you bought into the whole ‘unlimited data’ thing, there IS such thing as too much internet. There’s absolutely never a point in paying for something ‘limitless’ when you’re only ever using a fraction of it in the first place. The devil is always in the detail of these contracts, so let us work with you to make sure you’re not signing your life away on things you don’t need and will likely never play with anyway.

We know, we sound like someone’s dad.

Whilst network contracts are cleverly worded and carefully marketed to make it look on paper that you’ll be making great savings/receiving fantastic bonus goodies on your mobile contracts, the only way to actually deliver on those promises is to ensure that you have a flexible and well-constructed mobile contract in place – one that will allow you to adapt to future changes in usage profiles, connection volumes, and technology. That’s what we can help with from the get-go by getting on board as your managed mobile services provider.

Oh, and just to give you some context, here – in most businesses, a small group of key players and high-volume mobile users (normally accounting for around 1-2% of the whole company) often account for 20% or more of the overall mobile costs incurred. These ‘power users’ display usage profiles and requirements that typically don’t align with the commercial terms and services that you negotiated in respect of the bulk of your users when your contract was agreed with your network. This means that there WILL be times when you find out the hard way that “unlimited” carries a caveat. We can help you avoid this – just saying.

Our mission at Comms Circle has always been really simple. We work with our customers to be proactive in choosing and managing the best mobile service contracts for their company. And what’s even better than saving them all that money, is that we take away any need for them to pile any hassle (and mobile services are ALWAYS a hassle in some way) onto their already hardworking IT departments.

(But, if you’re really keen to annoy your IT department with a little something else instead, we may have a few ideas for you…)

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