7 ways to annoy the tech out of your IT Department

Tech teams and IT departments of all shapes and sizes often suffer their fair share of flack and are subjected to more than the occasional ‘taking of the Michael’ in corporate offices up and down the land.

They’ve had memes made about them, they’ve had sitcoms written about them, and now here we are, whipping up a blog about them.

The thing is, though, it seems that the tech bods in our teams just cannot win. If something goes wrong with the tech in the office, all eyes, expectations and soul-searching prayers are on them to put everything right for us (and sharpish). But the minute they start warning us that something is going to go catastrophically wrong thanks to our use and abuse of the IT systems they’ve so painstakingly put in place, we often ignore them and go back to playing fast and loose with spinning round on our office chairs whilst drinking hot cups of coffee at our keyboards.

Honestly, it’s no wonder they give off more than a slight air of being overstretched all the time, is it?

With corporate tech teams facing so much in the way of daily office burdens that really aren’t their job, at Comms Circle, we make sure that any of the admin, tech and potential stresses relating to company mobile devices, services and networks are not one of those burdens. We manage it all, leaving staff in the IT Department to get back to their actual day job.

So, with Comms Circle removing any need for you to add the concept of attempting to manage, keep track of, and sort any of the set-up for company mobile stuff to their workload, we guess you’ll have to find other ways to annoy the tech out of your IT Department…

  1. It’s as much a pain for your IT team to keep resetting these passwords for you as it is for you to have to remember them in the first place, so everyone’s a winner with this perfect password time-saver. Also, all that stuff about security breaches, hacking, and GDPR is likely just the IT Manager completely over-reacting…
  2. Remember – personal tech equals personal touch. Yes, you’re aware that your techy team-mates are responsible for keeping five full floors of office suites connected and up and running 24/7, but going to them with personal emergencies such as hacking back into your Tinder account does wonders for bants and team bonding.
  3. As soon as you need it, ask for more storage. It’s so much easier for your IT Department to sort this out for you and manage all those extra gigs ‘n’ things, than it is for you to waste valuable time securely deleting duplicate files, gaming apps and emails from 1996 from your computer. Turn up the terabytes!
  4. Refer to your computer-loving co-workers in all social situations as ‘geeks’. Everyone loves to feel like they belong to a group, and this should always extend to your colleagues in IT, who will no doubt love the label and take comfort in the familiarity of the stereotype.
  5. Make sure that even when they’ve proved through the medium of ‘incapable of lying’ technology that something is categorically your fault, you dig deeper into finding a reason why this is almost certainly not the case. IT Managers in particular love taking time out of their busy day to be proved wrong, because who doesn’t love a gigabit of character building?
  6. Push the boundaries of what your office tech can do for you. For example, try photocopying onto crepe paper for some rustic Christmas decorations, insist that you hook up the old fax machine for retro correspondence with clients, and have faith in genuine monetary opportunities posed by those so-called spammy emails with their luring links. The IT specialists in the office are nothing if not ahead of the innovation curve, so those tears they’re crying are almost certainly of joy at your pioneering excellence…
  7. Make the “turn it off and turn it on again” joke. That never gets old, trust us.

Of course, we say all of these things in jest, but genuinely, this blog is just our way of reminding businesses that all of this stuff is EXTRA work for your IT Department. None of it falls in their remit, their role, or their reasonable use of company time – and we think you know that.

At Comms Circle, we recognise this all too clearly, and whilst we can’t stop the extra-curricular demands and expectations being placed on IT Departments across the land, what we can do is make sure we take anything and everything to do with company mobile devices and away from them. We handle all the tech, all the admin, and all the operational gubbins such as usage, spend, and security/data protection, so they don’t have to.

Let your tech team get on with making best use of their valuable time to drive your business forward, because managing your mobile services is not a call they should be putting in for any company.

Give us a call at Comms Circle to see how we can save you time, hassle and money. And for god’s sake, don’t even think of calling your IT support desk because the toaster’s on the blink again…







Tech teams and IT departments of all shapes and sizes often suffer their fair share of flack and are subjected to more than the occasional ‘taking of the Michael’ in corporate offices up and down the land.

They’ve had memes made about them, they’ve had sitcoms written about them, and now here we are, whipping up a blog about them.

The thing is, though, it seems that the tech bods in our teams just cannot win. If something goes wrong with the tech in the office, all eyes, expectations and soul-searching prayers are on them to put everything right for us (and sharpish). But the minute they start warning us that something is going to go catastrophically wrong thanks to our use and abuse of the IT systems they’ve so painstakingly put in place, we often ignore them and go back to playing fast and loose with spinning round on our office chairs whilst drinking hot cups of coffee at our keyboards.

Honestly, it’s no wonder they give off more than a slight air of being overstretched all the time, is it?

With corporate tech teams facing so much in the way of daily office burdens that really aren’t their job, at Comms Circle, we make sure that any of the admin, tech and potential stresses relating to company mobile devices, services and networks are not one of those burdens. We manage it all, leaving staff in the IT Department to get back to their actual day job.

So, with Comms Circle removing any need for you to add the concept of attempting to manage, keep track of, and sort any of the set-up for company mobile stuff to their workload, we guess you’ll have to find other ways to annoy the tech out of your IT Department…

  1. It’s as much a pain for your IT team to keep resetting these passwords for you as it is for you to have to remember them in the first place, so everyone’s a winner with this perfect password time-saver. Also, all that stuff about security breaches, hacking, and GDPR is likely just the IT Manager completely over-reacting…
  2. Remember – personal tech equals personal touch. Yes, you’re aware that your techy team-mates are responsible for keeping five full floors of office suites connected and up and running 24/7, but going to them with personal emergencies such as hacking back into your Tinder account does wonders for bants and team bonding.
  3. As soon as you need it, ask for more storage. It’s so much easier for your IT Department to sort this out for you and manage all those extra gigs ‘n’ things, than it is for you to waste valuable time securely deleting duplicate files, gaming apps and emails from 1996 from your computer. Turn up the terabytes!
  4. Refer to your computer-loving co-workers in all social situations as ‘geeks’. Everyone loves to feel like they belong to a group, and this should always extend to your colleagues in IT, who will no doubt love the label and take comfort in the familiarity of the stereotype.
  5. Make sure that even when they’ve proved through the medium of ‘incapable of lying’ technology that something is categorically your fault, you dig deeper into finding a reason why this is almost certainly not the case. IT Managers in particular love taking time out of their busy day to be proved wrong, because who doesn’t love a gigabit of character building?
  6. Push the boundaries of what your office tech can do for you. For example, try photocopying onto crepe paper for some rustic Christmas decorations, insist that you hook up the old fax machine for retro correspondence with clients, and have faith in genuine monetary opportunities posed by those so-called spammy emails with their luring links. The IT specialists in the office are nothing if not ahead of the innovation curve, so those tears they’re crying are almost certainly of joy at your pioneering excellence…
  7. Make the “turn it off and turn it on again” joke. That never gets old, trust us.

Of course, we say all of these things in jest, but genuinely, this blog is just our way of reminding businesses that all of this stuff is EXTRA work for your IT Department. None of it falls in their remit, their role, or their reasonable use of company time – and we think you know that.

At Comms Circle, we recognise this all too clearly, and whilst we can’t stop the extra-curricular demands and expectations being placed on IT Departments across the land, what we can do is make sure we take anything and everything to do with company mobile devices and away from them. We handle all the tech, all the admin, and all the operational gubbins such as usage, spend, and security/data protection, so they don’t have to.

Let your tech team get on with making best use of their valuable time to drive your business forward, because managing your mobile services is not a call they should be putting in for any company.

Give us a call at Comms Circle to see how we can save you time, hassle and money. And for god’s sake, don’t even think of calling your IT support desk because the toaster’s on the blink again…







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